Wednesday, 6 May 2009

We’ve been threw away from Mangkunegaran Palace...

Mon premier expérience au Palais de Mangkunegaran

Wait...wait; don’t take any conclusion before u read all. Well, without any means or tendency, the title is lil’ bit abundant, huh? Honnêtement, je ne veux que raconte, ce qui est s’est passé à moi et ma cousine au Palais de Mangkunegaran Solo.

As we know, there are two main palaces in Solo. The Kasunanan Palace which is situated near Klewer, I forgot the name of the area, hwehehehe, and the other one, named Mangkunegaran Palace situated of course in Mangkunegaran.

What I’m going to tell is my first visit to Mangkunegaran Palace. Once, I’ve ever visit the Kasunanan before, so I’m willing to visit Mangkunegaran Palace too. Ma petite soeur Ana, who studies in Solo, showed me a picture that she took from the Mangkunegaran Palace. And it made me a little bit jealous, why she did take me with her to visit, as she already knows that I really want to go there. Well, she’s sorry for that, she explained to me that she went there with her friend and it wasn’t planned before, just spontaneity, so she didn’t have time to tell me about it. Ok, I understand then.

Then a several months a go, in February, finally I had a chance to visit it. Actually I went to Solo because my cousin, sita, asked me to accompany her to go to library. She wanted to look for the references for her final project. Well, since I don’t have anything to do, I decided to go with her.

After she finished her business in library, I posed her an idea what if we visit the Mangkunegaran Palace. She agreed with me.

Then, voilà, we went to the palace.

My cousin, Ana, told me that she didn’t have to pay any cost to enter to the palace, so it means it’s free. That’s make me more interested, hehehe.. gratisan.. gitu..

Ok, we arrived in front of the palace. I was confuse, and wondering where the enter door was. After all, we could find it and entered the area of the palace. In front door, there were a several people, I think it was the receptionist and several students who are having their job practice as tour guide, or maybe there are already tour guides, I don’t know. Some of them wore a uniform.

There was a huge building inside, and not only one, so we were a little bit confused, where we can start the tour. Even Ana had told us, that it was free, we still, wondering, were we doing right?

Then, we walked through passed the building and we arrived in a place, where we can see a lot of palace’s collections such as, ceramics, cups and a lot of other’s fine art. And then, as we thought it was good views to take a picture in that place, so we take a several picture from it. While we were taking the picture and trying to enjoy our business, suddenly, une dame, venait. We try to ask her some question about the place, such, did we could enter inside, etc. Then she asked us, if we didn’t take a tour guide with us, of course we said no. We don’t need a guide, as we are Indonesian too, so what for. She asked us too, have we already given the report in front door, that we would go this further to the building, we said not yet. She said that so it was prohibition for us to enter that building. She suggested us to absent first, I do not know why, as my sister, Ana, did not tell me about this. Well, we thought that’s ok to continue our tour, and we try to ignore the woman’s suggestion. But then, she warned again, “mba’ harus lapor dulu di depan, kalau belum lapor ga boleh kesini”.

Well, I was a little bit confuse too, if we have to absent first, why the man in front door, I think he know us as he saw us when we passed, did not notice us to absent first? And, from the front door, I did not see any sign board that say ‘tourists have to absent first if want to go to enter the palace’, no we didn’t see any kind of board like that.

So we just left the palace, turn in to the front door, but we didn’t make the absent.

Kami pikir, jangan-jangan ntar disuru bayar,heheheh…pulang sajalah…tapi kalau harus bayar, ko ga ada loket, or kami yang ga melihat papan loketnya.. Or gimana c..??

Agak kecewa juga si, belum bisa muter-muter…how come yaahh, is there a new rule or…we both don’t know...

Afer that, we went to Balekambang and met Ana. Then we told about what just happen to us in Mankunegaran.

Ana: lhohh ko iso, kon lapor barang, wingi aku ora ik.

Nous: la mbuh, tapi kemaren you gratis kan masuknya..

Ana: iya c, aku lewat samping. La kalian lewat mana?

Nous: lewat depan lah, la ga tahu jalan samping lewat mana.

Ana: kemaren pas di dalam, ga ditanyain ik, apa jangan-jangan pas ntu, aku bareng ma turis India ?

Nous: la mbuhh…

Yahh agak kecewa dengan apa yang terjadi, kami mencoba refresh kembali, sebenarnya prosedur masuknya gimana, la kami juga ga nemu papan penjelasan. Apa kami yang ga lihat…sebenarnya gratis ga c..(maunya nehh, cari gratisann hehehe..(>.<)

Maybe next time, we’ll visit there again. I have a plan, and hope that we will find out, what exactly happen...

1 comment:

  1. how a pity we are.... T.T

    we have been threw away from the palace and i feel so very very ashamed...oh MG...

    fortunately, there no someone else who saw us....fuiiihhh...wakakakkakkk =)


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