Thursday, 9 July 2009


Bonjourrr, tout le monde…

ça fait un mois que je n’écris pas sur mon blog… actually, I have already made some posting, but recently, my pc was in a bad condition, so I can’t edit or even try to see it…wot a badd..baddd..!

Hmmm, udah liburan lagi neh (padahal gue kan libur terus, wkwkekek), eh maksud I, liburan sekolah. Sebenere uda ada rencana, temen-temen mo maen ke rumah, tapi, yahh kagak jadi lagi...

Hmmm, I was really upset, but that’s ok, maybe next time we’ll meet each other. Wah, jadi liburan ke tempat saudara di salatiga dah…

Hmm, a lots of things that happen..what a great great..,I’d love to tell and write it, next…

Hope, that my PC will get better soon..amin

Au revoir...

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