Thursday, 30 April 2009

Rujak toon: minuscule; unique cartoon.

Several times ago, my sister had reminded me to watch “rujaktoon” in global TV. It’s true, I’m willing to watch it, for she talks about it, and she said that it was a funny and unique cartoon. But, since there is no global channel in my tele, seems that I have to cancel my willing to be able to watch it.

But, last week, my télé has already fixed and I can see Global TV again. Ok, then I send her sms and asking when the rujak toon began. Ok, I send her sms, kurang lebih seperti ni:

moi: ei, d’an, rujak toon ntu tiap hari apa ‘n jam brp?, global tv wezz iso ki..

Then the answer’s coming;

Elle: -tiap hari sabtu ma minggu jam 5 sore, waa wezz iso yo

(Walaupun, finally I knew that she was wrong about the time, ‘cause it’s only in Saturday evening, ok)

Then, in Saturday evening, I watch it. Ngebayangin, dan bertanya-tanya seperti apakah rujak toon itu..., then...

In a peace Saturday evening…

Hmm, en regardant le cartoon, un sms est envoyé sur mon portable, c’était elle.

Elle: “ e, rujak toon”

.moi: “oo, jadi ini ta rujak toon. kyakna dah pernah nonton yang kyak gini, di TV5 perancis da kartoon yang sejenis”

Elle: “emang kayake dr prc ku’

Moi : oiya ta,

Kalo di prc cuma buat selingan program gitu, tp ko transletnya jadi ‘rujaktoon yakz’ ?

Elle : pantesan ko cepet trus transletna kudune apa ?

Moi : …..kan minuscule, mgkn makhluk-mkhluk kecil gitu kalee..

Elle : Mnrutku, filosofine tu kan ada gambar, antara kartun dan kehidupan nyata, jadi bisa dikatain campurc-campur. Truz dinamain rujak. Tp lepas dari itu semua, ni kartun unik banget, mpe mas2 internet ngomongin ini.

(btw, ko bawa-bawa filosofi sehhhh, ni anak..kekekek..) then..

Moi : mgkn jg gitu, yuuk mang unik. Sayangna klo d prc ga tiap hari bisa nonton, secara buat selingan doank, y coro jawane , kala2..

(Hmmm, oui , c’est vrai, il vient de la France, je pense, parcequ’il y avait l’orthograph, au fin du cartoon, c’est le francais).

Hmmm, kreatif juga yang buat rujak toon, lucu, unique. Jadi walaupun kami udah bukan anak kecil lagi, tapi tetep aja suka, heee.. habisnya lucu et unik tadi..

Mpe one day, salah satu kerabat gw bilang, lahhh koe ki sih nonton kartun ??

Yaah, I just don’t care, I think there is nothing wrong with that. I think that’s something that i shouldn’t feel ashamed of. It’s cool…hehehe..

Yahhh, emang banyak si acara di TV5, yang ditayangkan di TV Indonesia. Salah satu yang membuat gw heran, jadi di TV5 itu jarang banget ada iklan kayak tipi di Indonesia, bahkan bisa dikatakan tidak ada. Nha jadi yang menjadi pertanyaan, trus kalau gitu pendapatan mereka darimana yaa..hmmm mungkin dari program-program yang mereka buat juga, kan bisa dijual juga. Well, but that’s only my point of view, je ne sais pas.

Jadi kalau pas program berita atau acara kuis, or program lain, ga ada jeda untuk iklan. Nhaa, enaknya pas program film, karena tidak ada iklan apapun, jadi puas dee nontonnya, kayak di bioskop gitu. Jeda iklan hanya pas mo ganti program aja. Mungkin tidak tepat juga kalau di sebut iklan, mungkin lebih tepatnya program selingan, karena biasanya cuma 5 menit gitu. Misalnya ya itu tadi, selingan kartun kalau tidak salah “minuscule” itu tadi (yang di Indonesia digabung jadi rujak toon), trus buat ngulas buku baru or novel baru di “un livre un jour”, kadang ada juga program “Merci Professeur” buat yang mo tanya tentang linguistik or asal usul bahasa gitu, of course, le français, particulièrement, truz kadang juga diisi lagu perancis.

Dan yang lebih beda lagi, kalau kuis-kuis di Indonesia kebanyakan hadiahnya barang-barang elektronik kayak kulkas, tipi, or VCD. Nah jika acara kuis di TV5, hadiahnya selain ada uang juga dikasih kamus, kayak le petit Robert or Larousse gitu, bukan barang elektronik.

Misalkan tivi indonesia seperti itu kapan ya..

Hmmm, maybe someday…hope...

Do you know why ?

Thursday, 23 April 2009

je me sens désappointé par sony ericsson customr srvc

A few days a go, almost one month, I went to Sony Ericsson's customer centre in Solo. Of course, this is the nearest Sony’s centre from my home town. So I decided to go to Solo better than to go to Semarang. I was willing to have my Sony’s hand phone to be checked and to be fixed. The problem was in the camera. I bought this Sony’s k550i, last year. I don’t know, what happen to my portable, the camera is not run well. That was the second time I have my hp to fix. Last year I got the problem in the LCD, but as it was caused of human error, so I have to pay ± 400 thousands, I understand. So I went there alone. I think that maybe I can get my hp to prepare freely, because the guarantee date is still work for about next few week. As usual, I took the number for “faire la queue”. After waiting in several minute, the customer service called my number.

Then she asked me what the problem was. I said to her, that the camera didn’t work well. She ask me the guarantee card, I showed it to her. Then, something that makes me surprised happen. She said that if I want to my hp to be just checked or also be fixed, of course I want it to be fixed too. She said to me that I had to pay for about 300 thousand rupiah for the cost. Being a little bit surprised, I asked her, how come I must pay for that cost, I had still get my hand phone guarantee time right. She said that it’s true that I still had the phone guarantee, and it will end in next ten days. She said that it would need a long time to fix, and they have to wait the spare parts from Jakarta. Then she said again, that they are afraid for the waiting time will be more and the guarantee time is end, that problem is. Yeah, as a good customer, I try to understand, even I still wondering, how come. so, it was useless, because, I thing that I can still get my right to get my hp fixed without any cost, for there is still the hp’s guarantee, but then, it’s useless. So, I decided to end this conversation, and let my camera hp in abnormal condition. I went to my sister’s boarding house first, with disappointed feeling. I felt disappointed with Sony. Meeting with my sister, I told her what have just happen to me. Then she suggested me to write a reader letter to local newspaper for Sony had made me disappointed. As customer, she said, I should get my right. She thought like that... I don’t know who’s right or wrong here.

But I just wondering, kan tanggal garansinya masih berlaku, kenapa gw harus bayar lagi ya…, kalo emang nunggu sparepart yang dari Jakarta, akan butuh waktu lama, dan mungkin sampai masa garansinya habis, tapi kan gw mengajukan klaimnya masih dalam waktu garansi. Di kartu garansi juga ga dijelaskan si, kalo mo memperbaiki hape jangan pas masa waktu garansinya mepet, jadi harus bayarr deee. Yahh nasib beli di kota kecil kaleee yaa or something else, dunno.. yeahhh, apa-apa, harus dari Jakarta. J'ai acheté le portable au 26 mars 2008, et je suis allée au sony centre, le 11 mars 2009, si je ne me trompe pas, masa garansi satu tahun.

Est-ce qu’il y a quelqu’un qui a le meme experience comme moi?

Friday, 17 April 2009

I need an enlightment..

'When u try your bestBut u dun succeed,when u get wot u want but nt wot u need,when u love some1 but it goes to waste,could it be worse,
Will the light guide me home?

Sunday, 12 April 2009

enfin, jel'ai fait!

Enfin, j'a fait mon propre site. Hmm, what would I write then?,not yet know..,yeah but after all, I can make it. This is second time I'm editing this. well I hope that it will make a good thing for anyone. this afternoon, I company my lil'brother, to go to Bank. He lost his ATM card. Actually my main purpose is just wanna go to internet cafe. Well, that's no big deal..